A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
From: Frank Reed
Date: 2018 Apr 11, 10:08 -0700
Two weeks to go...
I have gotten to know some folks in OHPRI, the organization that operates the sail training vessel "Oliver Hazard Perry" from here in Rhode Island. I told them about the NavList community, and they have offered us a 10% discount on an upcoming cruise of the OHP from New Orleans to Annapolis, departing April 25 and scheduled to arrive May 10. The OHP is a huge, 200-foot long full-rigged ship of recent construction. Primarily they run youth sail-training programs, but they also occasionally host adult cruises like this one. Because of their license classification, all participants in this voyage become crew and engage fully in the operations of the vessel --fun stuff, like raising sails! The officers on this voyage will also be teaching celestial navigation (the standard stuff using HO 249). I understand there's a separate fee for that. Of course, if you don't take the class, you can still do your own sights, and there should be many opportunities to take sights at sea during this two-week trip. I also note that the Moon will be "in distance" for lunars during the last few days of the voyage.
To learn more about the voyage, go here: To take advantage of that 10% discount use code REEDNAVIGATION when you register. And, no, I will not be joining the voyage. That 10% discount still leaves the trip about 98% out of my price range! ;)
Frank Reed
Clockwork Mapping /
Conanicut Island USA