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    Re: SatLoran or eLoran?
    From: Lu Abel
    Date: 2017 Aug 27, 18:19 +0000
    I agree with Robert's comments.  A ground-based system can be much more powerful and therefore much less susceptible to jamming (we're talking about a few watts of signal strength out of a satellite vs thousands of watts easily out of a ground based transmitter).   Also they operate on much different radio frequencies. 

    Okay, a ground based system has the disadvantage of not covering the entire globe.  So the significant issue to debate is whether global coverage overrules the otherwise significant advantages of a ground-based system.

    From: Robert VanderPol II <NoReply_RobertVanderPolII@fer3.com>
    To: luabel@ymail.com
    Sent: Friday, August 25, 2017 11:24 PM
    Subject: [NavList] Re: SatLoran or eLoran?

    I'd have to say that shooting down a satellite would be an act of war akin to sinking a ship.  On the other hand blowing up a bunch of your own satellites in the neighborhood and letting the debris kill the satellites you want gone would not be an act of war.
    The big advantages of eLoran is relative protection form solar events and high signal strength which would make jamming harder.  I don't care how low you hang the satellites, they won't have the signal strength that a ground based transmitter can put out.

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