A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
From: Brad Morris
Date: 2016 Feb 28, 04:01 -0500
Hello Steve
Yes, just keep the longitude proportional to the latitude when changing scale size.
You wrote:
My preference is to "open up" the plot in an imagined attempt to improve the accuracy of the plot
It really won't change the accuracy of your plot. You will get a bit more apparent resolution, but it provides no further information. The positional error is merely proportionally larger in apparent size, to match the proportionally larger scale. The exercise essentially multiplies each value by 10 on the plotting sheet, with no other change in information.
Dear Navlisters,
I am plotting a two body fix using a USPS “Constant Latitude Scale Small Area Plotting Sheet,” form CLS 98. Each intercept is 0.3nm and 0.7nm respectively.
Is it permissible to expand the latitude scale such that each of the small divisions of latitude are representative of one tenth of a nautical mile as opposed to the more typical scaling where the smallest divisions of latitude are representative of one minute (one nautical mile)? Would it also then be necessary to expand the longitude scale the same way?
Otherwise, when plotting a fix using the typical latitude/longitude scale, the plot becomes extremely small or tight.
My preference is to "open up" the plot in an imagined attempt to improve the accuracy of the plot; if not, then simply to make the whole exercise easier.