A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
From: Sean C
Date: 2016 Mar 1, 18:03 -0800
You wrote:
Why not just use the standard vp-os plotting sheets that are inexpensive?
I received some VP-OS plotting sheets as a Christmas gift. They were purchased from a well known, reputable online retailer (who shall remain nameless). However, the compass rose was mis-printed on both sides of every sheet. Every 10° label from 110° to 170° was printed as 270°. It didn't make them unusable, but it was certainly annoying. I have since been in contact with them and they claim to have corrected the error. Anyway, I would hate to be out at sea when my GPS failed, only to find that some larger error was present rendering the whole pad useless. That's when knowing how to make one's own plot sheets comes in handy. Not that I'll ever be in that situation. Heck, the last time I was even on a boat was years ago. ;)
Besides that, the VP-OS sheets are rather large. That's great for plotting a bunch of fixes over a period of time, but it requires much more table space than a sheet of standard letter-sized (or even smaller) paper.
Sean C.