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    Re: The Science of Time 2016 conference proceedings
    From: Frank Reed
    Date: 2017 Nov 12, 09:32 -0800

    Richard Easton, you wrote:
    "I contributed the chapter on "Time Synchronization and the Origins of GPS".  Please contact me if you want a pdf of it. "

    A couple of people posted messages today requesting copies but without including email addresses. Please understand that your email address is not available when you post a NavList message unless you include it explicitly in the text of your message. But better yet, please email Richard directly: winnetkaelm [[AT]] comcast.net. And better still, Richard, are you permitted to post your pdf directly in a public NavList message? If you're not sure how, please feel free to email it to me, and I will do the work. Anyone else, if you have a file you want to upload and you don't know how, please contact me by email: frank@reednavigation.com.

    Frank Reed

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