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    The Science of Time 2016 conference proceedings
    From: Paul Hirose
    Date: 2017 Nov 10, 10:07 -0800

    The whole eBook is $219, but articles may be purchased individually, and
    a few are free.
    The Science of Time 2016
    Time in Astronomy & Society, Past, Present and Future
    Editors: Elisa Felicitas Arias, Ludwig Combrinck, Pavel Gabor, Catherine
    Hohenkerk, P. Kenneth Seidelmann
    Conference proceedings:
    "In this symposium speakers took a closer look at time in astronomy,
    other sciences, cultures, and business as a defining element of modern
    civilization. The symposium aimed to set the stage for future
    timekeeping standards, infrastructure, and engineering best practices
    for astronomers and the broader society. At the same time the program
    was cognizant of the rich history from Harrison's chronometer to today's
    atomic clocks and pulsar observations. The theoreticians and engineers
    of time were brought together with the educators and historians of
    science, enriching the understanding of time among both experts and the
    Cosmic Time: From the Big Bang to the Eternal Future
    The Proof of the Pudding
    The Role of Ephemerides from Ptolemy to Kepler
    How Time Served to Measure the Geographical Position Since Hellenism
    Changing Times in the Nautical Almanac Over 250 Years
    Bond Time: The Electric Method of Time Recording
    The Development and Use of the Pilkington and Gibbs Heliochronometer and
    Sol Horometer
    These Are Not Your Mother’s Sundials: Or, Time and Astronomy’s Authority
    The History of Time
    “When?” It’s a Basic Question That We Ask All the Time
    Inter-site Alignments of Prehistoric Shrines in Chaco Canyon to the
    Major Lunar Standstill
    Atomic Time Scales and Their Applications in Astronomy
    Relativistic Time at the US Naval Observatory
    Real-Time Realization of UTC at Observatoire de Paris
    Time in Television Systems
     From Computer Time to Legal Civil Time: IANA tz, IETF tzdist, etc.
    The UT1 and UTC Time Services Provided by the National Institute of
    Standards and Technology
    On a Redefinition of the SI Second
    Time Scales Steered by Optical Clocks
    Activities of Time and Frequency Metrology at NICT: Optical and
    Microwave Frequency Standards and Their Remote Comparisons
    IAU Standards of Fundamental Astronomy (SOFA): Time and Date
    Earth’s Variable Clock
    The Determination of Earth Orientation by VLBI and GNSS: Principles and
    Status of the Gaia Mission
    Time Synchronization and the Origins of GPS
    DASCH for Days to Decades Time Domain Astronomy
    Mean Solar Time and Its Connection to Universal Time
    How Gravity and Continuity in UT1 Moved the Greenwich Meridian
    Aspects of Time as It Relates to Space Geodesy
    Pulsars: Celestial Clocks
    The Leap Second Debate: Rational Arguments vs. Unspoken Unease
    How to Talk to the Public About the Leap Second? The Experience of the
    IERS Central Bureau
    The Problem of Leap Seconds
    Common Calendar: Fixed-Epoch Deterministic UTC-Based Local Timescales
    The Transfer of Earth-Time to the Planets
    Keeping Time with the Asteroids
    Long-Term Timekeeping in the Clock of the Long Now
    Aspects of Time Distribution
    Time Critical: Contesting the Measure of the Now
    Timescale Pluralism and Sciences of Time
    Liberating Clocks: Exploring Other Possible Futures
    New Technologies and the Future of Timekeeping
    Are Clocks Enough? Science, Philosophy, and Time
    Time Warped: Photography, History, and Temporality

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