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    Re: Selling an A-12 bubble sextant
    From: Geoffrey Kolbe
    Date: 2021 Jul 11, 21:59 -0700

    David Pike said: "I hope you mentioned postage will be greater to overseas."

    The shipping price is for the UK only. Ebay have this scheme where if the buyer is from overseas, I ship it to ebay in this country and they take care of shipping it on - at the buyer's cost. At least, I hope that is how it works, I have not actually used this particular option before.

    The price - I hope - will be be somewhat more than the £10 starting price by the time the auction is done!

    Yes, there are two bubble chambers and the bubbles were a bit large so I filled them up so the bubbles are now a reasonable size. 

    No Bristol keys I am afraid - but a search on ebay will find them. That is how I got mine.

    No swapsies I am afraid. I am trying to reduce my collection to what I actually use and what I have room to properly display.

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