A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
Set of Nautical Almanacs
From: RSPeterson
Date: 2021 May 18, 06:56 -0700
From: RSPeterson
Date: 2021 May 18, 06:56 -0700
I have a complete set of The Nautical Almanac from 1987 to 2020 ready for donation. Published by USNO & UK Hydro Office, these are the orange cover versions that I used in my compass adjusting business. I'm glad to give to some willing recepitent if they would cover the shipping/postage cost. Please respond by email below. Thanks. -- RSP
Robert S. Peterson Great Lakes Compass 31 N Alfred, Elgin IL 60123 USA 847/697-6491 Compass expertise for Lake Michigan navigators since 1985 email: glcompass(at)wowway(dot)com web: www.greatlakescompass.com