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    Re: Setting seconds on a digital display
    From: Greg Rudzinski
    Date: 2016 Aug 24, 11:19 -0700


    Isn't the daily small fraction of a second remainder given a sign ? The next leap second is December 31 so I would think that the .25 seconds difference today is positive and to be added. By December the correction to be added will be about .5 seconds. After the new years leap second then .5 seconds should then be subtracted to getUT1. 


    Greg Rudzinski

    So what about DUT? Checking here http://maia.usno.navy.mil/ser7/ser7.dat, the value today is about a quarter of a second. But somebody do the signs for me (having trouble thinking this week...): if I am listening to UTC time ticks on the shortwave, and I want my watch to show UT1 to the nearest second, do I offset it 0.25 seconds or 0.75 seconds (half a second for this setting issue and a quarter second for DUT, but which way?).

    Frank Reed

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