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    Re: Sextant on Atlantic Cover
    From: Hewitt Schlereth
    Date: 2014 Sep 8, 07:27 -0700
    Yay, Rommel. I'm a southpaw, but aim with my right eye. The advantage of being left handed I like is I do not have to shift the sextant to my left hand to write down a sight.


    On Sep 8, 2014, at 6:56 AM, "Rommel John Miller" <NoReply_Miller@fer3.com> wrote:

    I think what we've got here is a standard Cassens and Plath righty but the shooter is using his left eye. 

    I take sightings the same way, and use a standard C&P sextant.  I am left eye dominant and that is what this guy appears to be as well. 

    Not all of us are right handed or have a righ domnant eye.  Some are in the parlance of heraldry "sinister" and it means left.  And that is where the idea of left handedneed being bad and evil came from.

    Too bad becasue if we were all right or dexter, where dexterous comes from, it would be a boring and bland world.  Thank God for lefties and their ability to adapt in a predominanlty right-handed world!

    my perpective. 

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