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    Sextant in Avro Vulcan
    From: Frank Reed
    Date: 2018 Jul 9, 17:08 -0700

    I received this inquiry by email. Please reply here. The OP (original poster) will follow replies on the message boards.

    Hi I work as a volunteer Exhibition Officer at the Solway Aviation Museum, Carlisle, Cumbria. (Registered Charity)

    Do you know what sextant was fitted into our Avro Vulcan B2, as ours has been taken out and hole/s plated over, before we received it. Do you have any images I could use to show to people in the Vulcan, when I am giving my tours, what it looked like and how it was used. I would be very grateful for any help in my quest. I would acknowledge copyright etc

    Stephanie Lawton volunteer Exhibition Officer

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