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    Re: Sextant Telescope
    From: David Pike
    Date: 2024 Jul 19, 12:31 -0700

    I played with my 5x draw for over an hour this lunchtime and proved once again that I’m still the most uncoordinated person in Britain.  Certainly, the Sun when you find it, has more precise edges if you can make it stay still for long enough to look at.  However, I’m not sure about the wires improving focussing.  The wires are in the draw, not the front of the telescope.  They always seem to be in focus whether you look through the draw by itself or when it’s in the telescope.  It’s just that when the draw is in the telescope, they’re x5, so you can make out their detail better irrespective of whether the whole telescope is in focus or not.  One thing is for sure, unless you’re looking at a far horizon like the sea rather than the top of the garden fence, you’ll find it almost impossible to see the join clearly between the silvered and unsilvered parts of the horizon mirror, because of the difference in focus between Sun and fence top.  The x5 magnification appears to accentuate this.  The only way to play around with the x5 in your garden appears to be by using an artificial horizon.  Dave P

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