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    Re: Sight Reduction Tables (HO 249 Vol 1 and HO 229 Vol4) - A Problem
    From: Gord Cudlipp
    Date: 2015 Nov 22, 13:12 -0800

    Thanks Gary, I definitely made the mistake of using the LHA for the Star for the Ho 249 calculation. I recalculated using the LHA for Aries and came up with an LHA of 158 degrees. However, Vega was not listed in HO 249 Vol 1, for that LHA.  I used an AP of ALONG- W123 degrees 10.3' ; ALAT - N49 degrees for HO 229 and an AP of ALONG- W123 degrees 32.1'; ALAT 49 degrees for HO 249. 

    This is a great site! It's nice to know that there is someone to help with a celestial nav problem.       

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