A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
From: Yves Robin-Jouan
Date: 2015 Nov 12, 02:48 -0800
Hi Andrés,
About CDT J. Paoli, please find here attached the page he sent me on 2003 in order to introduce his method (in French, but easy to understand). Angle determination is taken into account, and the method can be extended to n sights (currently to 3 sights).
About B. Van Katwijk, I have to look into my old file boxes (1981...). I remember that Van Katwijk method is quite the same as G. Bodenez one (first matrix formulation on 1976), with an enhancement by pseudo-inverse matrix for n>3 (instead of classical LMS). G. Bodenez told me that he discussed their methods with Van Katwijk in IMLA, and Van Katwijk confimed it to me later on.
Just a reminder : the pseudo-inverse matrix of a given matrix N is (NT.N)-1.NT , according to Moore-Penrose theory (under adequate conditions). For a proof, see Appendix 1 in my book, for instance.
Best Regards,