A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
From: Frank Reed
Date: 2025 Feb 27, 09:43 -0800
Here's a page and a half from "Nautical Astronomy" by Krasavstev and Khlyustin talking about that "foreign book" which, according to their text, they choose to refer to as the "Nautical Almanac". :) Note that this "Nautical Astronomy", which I do recommend, is fundamentally an English translation of an earlier Russian-language book from the Soviet era. It explains what's going on with the v corrections. It's all so clear after you read their explanation, isn't it? I'm kidding... I don't find it especially clear, but I thought I would throw it out there for you all to read.
These pages also highlight the fact that the US/UK Nautical Almanac does things in its own unique way. The authors appear to imply that the Soviet equivalent (which I have not seen) has nothing like this. The v correction is not an essential thing, and, in particular, it is not a property of the motions of the planets.
Sorry about the wobbly, out-of-focus photos. That's an indication of the limited value that we will get from these two pages. But again, I recommend this book and it's 600-odd remaining pages.
Frank Reed