A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
From: Frank Reed
Date: 2018 Mar 21, 09:16 -0700
Good point! Unfortunately, many NavList email recipients are still learning the ropes of the internet and may not know how to deal with emails that they don't want. For anyone reading this now who has grown tired of receiving emails, just let me know (email me at of my shorter email addresses) and I can change your email settings. There are also tools to do this on the website at (click on the "Tools" menu and then "Email Settings"... if you don't have your posting code, you can get that from the same menu). But don't worry about that if you don't want to. Just email me, and I can take care of it. You can remain a member and follow messages and post through the website without using email. In many ways, that's the better approach.
Please note that I changed the subject of your post here since it included that "spiced ham" product's name. The word itself will lead some people to count a message as an example of that substance made famous in the Monty Python sketch from 1970.
Another tip for those of you who read NavList messages by email: if your email provider has a whitelisting option, you should add "" to your list of valid sending domains. That should prevent messages from being arbitrarily directed to your spam folder.
Frank Reed