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    Re: SofaJpl page is down
    From: Paul Hirose
    Date: 2019 May 10, 15:51 -0700

    My site is reincarnated as http://sofajpl.com .
    There you will find the SofaJpl astronomy DLL, the production release of
    the Lunar program, and the beta release of the next Lunar version,
    version 4.4.
    New in Lunar 4.4:
    • it remembers the JPL ephemeris and leap second files from the last
    run, as well as the user latitude, longitude, and height
    • a "center of light" option for planets (thank you Antoine Couëtte)
    • "Horizons compatibility" option to generate coordinates compatible
    with the JPL Horizons online calculator
    • "solar eclipse" mode to apply the standard semidiameter and
    corrections for center of figure in the Astronomical Almanac predictions
    • If a lunar distance solution fails to converge in a reasonable number
    of iterations, the program warns of possible degraded accuracy but does
    not throw an exception.
    • quite a few improvements in the output data
    The program itself has given complete satisfaction in my tests, but the
    documentation in this beta release is not yet adequate.

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