A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
Re: Southern sky CN photo puzzle
From: Robin Stuart
Date: 2023 Sep 4, 08:53 -0700
From: Robin Stuart
Date: 2023 Sep 4, 08:53 -0700
This is a tricky one and it stumps I agree with David McN that it's a very high latitude and with his other conclusions.
An obvious feature in the image is the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) near the top of the frame to the right. It's orientation can be judged by the location of the Tarantula Nebula below at its right hand end. That makes Achernar the star just to the left of centre above the central patch of auroral glow. The star below the LMC is Canopus and below that near the horizon is Sirius with Rigel below that to its left. From Sirius the path of the Milky Way can be seen running up to the rich η Carinæ region at the centre right edge of the frame.
Robin Stuart