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    Sphere Research still in business
    From: Paul Hirose
    Date: 2024 Dec 31, 12:44 -0800

    Some time ago I posted a notice that Sphere Research (seller of slide
    rules, electronic components, and test equipment) was going out of
    business at the end of 2024, following the death of its founder.
    Update: "It seems we have more stuff than we thought. Disposing of all
    the electronic equipment and parts will take at least until mid 2025. We
    will be updating our web site regularly with new items for limited
    times. The Slide Rule Universe will continue to operate for several more
    years and we will update the web site with all the wonderful rules we have."
    I can vouch for their $40 Czech-made Logarex / KOH-I-NOOR 27401-X, a
    rule with the "Reitz" 10-scale arrangement. The Sphere site says they
    have "LOTS!" on hand. Mine arrived well packed in a box in perfect
    For slide rule trig the Rietz system is a big step up from the nine
    scales of the Mannheim rules. On the latter, the sin/cos scale S covers
    0.5° - 90°, or two decades (0.01 - 1.0). On the other hand, the tangent
    scales covers the single decade 5° - 45°. This is OK for simple trig,
    but is exceedingly inconvenient if you have to multiply cos and tan as
    in the Bygrave formulas.
    The Rietz arrangement follows the method of all the more upscale rules.
    The S scale is split into two scales covering a single decade each, so
    sines, cosines, and tangents can interoperate easily.
    Paul Hirose

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