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    Re: Spring Equinox
    From: Don Seltzer
    Date: 2017 Sep 24, 10:27 -0400
    In many (most?) ancient societies it was religion that dictated the calendar and most celebrations, and the lunar calendar was dominant.  So we see many celebrations that are fixed to the timing of the full or new moons closest to the equinoxes.

    Don Seltzer

    On Fri, Sep 22, 2017 at 9:28 PM, David C <NoReply_DavidC@fer3.com> wrote:

    I am posting this message a few hours late but never mind..........     .

    Several hours ago the sun's dec was 0° 0'. Now it is about 5' south. Down here in  41S  175 E it is an exciting day. First, as I  have mentioned, it is the spring equinox. Secondly, in the early hours of tomorrow morning daylight saving time starts. Thirdly today is election day.

    It must be "couples day" because as we walked hand in hand to the polling booth we noticed large numbers of other couples doing the same thing.  The sun is behind cloud so sights are not possible but the temperature is increasing and I am considering changing into short sleeve shirts. I am part way through mowing the lawns.

    Did the ancients celebrate the equinox or was it just the solstice?

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