A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
Re: Star CN with DSLR Camera
From: Greg Rudzinski
Date: 2016 Jan 28, 08:17 -0800
From: Greg Rudzinski
Date: 2016 Jan 28, 08:17 -0800
If you would like to work through the example image then here are the givens:
Time 00:41:47 UT 8/24/2015
Camera image time 16:41:47 8/23/2015 ZD +8 PST (not summer PDT)
A.P. Lat. 34° 10' N Lon. 119° 14' W
Pixel count 2401 (by Windows Paint)
.56(2401 px)=1344.6'=22° 24.6'° (see calibration card attached, .56 is 35mm lens calibration multiplier)
Pixel corr. - 2.5' (see calibration card attached at 2401 px)
Hs = 22° 22.1'
Height of Eye 7ft. -2.6'
Refraction -2.3'
Ho = 22° 17.2'
Hc = 22° 18.9'
intercept 1.7' away
azimuth 268.7°
Greg Rudzinski