A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
From: Brad Morris
Date: 2019 Dec 4, 17:12 -0800
Hello Michael
Firstly, permit me to thank you for presenting your data. I appreciate your enthusiasm. If I may be permitted to ask for clarifications
I have examined two of the spreadsheet files. Procyon//Pollux and Arcturus//Alioth. From this inspection, I see you kept the same format. Consequently I only need talk about one, say Procyon//Pollux
At the very top of the sheet Procyon//Pollux, I believe you took the observation at 2019 April 06 at 11:02:13. Is that zone UTZ-00? A 24:00 clock or is that a PM observation (23:02:13)?
In order to directly confirm cell F48=21°51'.13, which you label "Distance in Theory", you provided your Estimated Position as 55°1'N 1°27'.1W. Is that correct?
Next, you computed cell F65=22°52'.25, which you label "Corrected Distance".
There is a one time observation of distance, in cells D67 E67 = 22°46'.5. Can you confirm that is just one observation?
Indicated in cell g67 is the Index Error. 5' off the arc. If its off, put it on, arriving at 22°51'.5 measured, cell
You then take the delta, getting -0.013° or -0'.8, given in cell J67.
Is my understanding of the contents of the file template correct, given Procyon//Pollux?
Thanks in advance for your time answering my questions. They are posed as requests for clarifications.