A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
From: Bill Lionheart
Date: 2025 Jan 8, 12:55 -0800
I wrote a script for 3D printing segments with pegs on to assemble into a globe. The script has parameters so it is easy to change the longitude coveredt, thickness etc, and can be very slim to minimize the curvature of the paper. My idea was to paste on the printed star globe (made from Stellarium) I mentioned before.
I used OpenSCAD, as this is really easy from a programmatic point of view and I used it before. Attached is a screenshot from OpenSCAD and the code is below. I did actually make some code that took a table of stars with RA and DEC and drew a pentagram on the surface. But that was getting a bit to complicated, and with the segments I just have to print lots of identical upper or lower segments and glue them.
If anyone is interested the code is below (and consider it released under Mozilla licence). I will try printing one when I have a chance but feel free to suggest any improvements or try it yourself
Bill Lionheart