A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
From: Mark Coady
Date: 2016 Sep 26, 18:30 -0700
I always sort of assumed that star to star relationships were basically constant throughout the year. The change in SHA I see comparing pages in the Almanacs suggests to me the relationship to other stars changes slightly based on their sky position relative to each other.
I knew stars march through the sky approx. 4 minutes earlier each day, but it hadn’t dawned on me they change physical distance relationship to each other significantly (ok, measurably if not a lot). I had always been led to believe (perhaps in oversimplified navigation explanations), that stars are so far away the changes in relative position are negligible. I would say almost but not quite, as there is a yearly positional difference worthy of note. I happen to be lookng at Fomalhaut.