A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
Star-to-star distance for sextant calibration?
From: Tony Oz
Date: 2019 May 19, 17:26 -0700
From: Tony Oz
Date: 2019 May 19, 17:26 -0700
In a 43-year-old (Soviet) book I found a table with several star-to-star distances (Kocab, Alioth, Capella, Vega, Alpheraz and Altair, all referenced to Polaris). There is a table with corrections for refraction. Instructions given are enigmatic (even for a Russian reader).
I re-created the main table with recent Almanac (for the first day on each month) but can not get the grip on the corrections.
The corrctions table has rows for observer's latitudes, column for a particular star's altitude and two more (enigmatic) columns: (φ+D) and (φ-D). The comment says the corrections always additive.
Could you please have a look at it?
Thank you in advance.
Warm regards,
60°N 30°E