A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
From: Jim Rives
Date: 2022 May 10, 08:13 -0700
I went back thru the last ten lunar observations. Over time I found I treated IC inconsistently, and sometimes ommited it. I've re-analyzed these observations using the Lunar Analysis program on each of them and making sure IC is consistent. I've included the results on the attached file.
Conclusions: The regression line is far better than a simple average, which is what i would have expected and relieved to see is proved out.
And, the graph shows some outliers, which I have left in the analysis. Can't cherry pick.
And, be consistent in the whole analysis approach. Don't rush. Record everything and keep it, even if you change them or don't use the data. It might be just what you need looking back a year later.
So, Ed, there is value in making the effort. Keeps one organized and a bit better focused on what is actually going on. Easy to be lost in a sea of numbers!