A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
Re: Status of Celestial Nav in 2015
From: Alexandre Eremenko
Date: 2015 Mar 4, 22:00 +0000
From: Alexandre Eremenko
Date: 2015 Mar 4, 22:00 +0000
Greg, you wrote: > I would add remote wilderness travelers to the list of those that might find celestial navigation a useful back-up to GPS. > A plastic sextant such as the Davis MK 3 wouldn't add much weight to the pack. You would add this to the the question or this is a part of an answer? Do you know any people traveling in remote wilderness (on land) who are using Cel nav, or carry sextants, almanacs, etc.? I have never heard of such people in modern times. Alex.