A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
From: Bill Lionheart
Date: 2024 Dec 7, 05:51 -0800
Picking up this old thread. I am playing with Stellarium again and have made a config file with the Navigational stars plugin and various settings for display convenient for planning sights. One thing that should be easy is to configure a "telescope" as the monocular on your sextant. I suppose it is the viewing angle that is important to see what the sky looks like through the monocular. Has anyone done an example? I had just made a configuration for the COAST telescope in Tenerife but that is a large reflector telescope and I don't quite understand how to enter a simple monocular.
There is also a script that initializes position and initial azimuth from your boats data (see Stellarium on a boat in the docs) using signalk. And an Ocean landscape. If we made a landscape that was a sailing boat we could see what was obscured by the genoa!