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    Re: Strange goings with a Casio G Shock watch
    From: Alan S
    Date: 2016 Nov 8, 11:49 -0800


    The saga of my Casio G Shock gets stranger by the moment. As of this past Sunday, early AM, when it should have reverted to standard time, it didn't, for reasons unknown.This morning however, doing a watch check prior to morning shots, it had reverted to standard time, and the watches reading of time agrees with NIST Time, ala my computer, As I said, the saga gets stranger by the moment. When I get home next week, I shall speak with Casio Tech Support on an old fashioned land line phone and possibly get this thing straightened out. Failing that, there are always watches for sale.

    As to the functions you speak of, I' m not at all familiar with them, and my " celestial navigation" efforts have long been a two person op. I do the sextant shots, my lady notes time and records data. Later on, when I get around to it, I engage in a bit of grubby atithmetic and draftsmanship, reducing the sights and plotting them on USPS Sight Reduction Form SR 96a, and  on USPS Small Area Plotting Sheet. This is in effect, cheating as I stand on the beach. Don't have a boat, and get seasick on small sail boats anyhow. Life's difficulties are endless it seems.

    I shall keep plugging along while at the beach, and at home using an artificial horizon in the parking area of the apartment complex we reside at. The afore described isn't much of a pastime, though it beats playing golf, I imagine.



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