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    Re: Sun near zenith sight
    From: Stan K
    Date: 2016 Sep 21, 22:19 -0400
    Quito, Ecuador?

    -----Original Message-----
    From: Frank Reed <NoReply_FrankReed@fer3.com>
    To: slk1000 <slk1000@aol.com>
    Sent: Wed, Sep 21, 2016 8:15 pm
    Subject: [NavList] Sun near zenith sight

    This is a screen cap from my gps anti-spoof app taken today, live, by Bob Miorelli from a location where, as you can see, the Sun was nearly at the zenith. There is enough information here to figure out his position. By luck the volume controls on his phone momentarily covered the displayed GPS latitude and longitude. You have the calculated Sun LL altitude (assume height of eye is zero [edited after follow-up from Bob] and zero index error) as well as the azimuth and the date and time. Solve!!
    Frank Reed
    Conanicut Island USA
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