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    Re: Sun sights during an eclipse: "bad limb" calculation
    From: David Pike
    Date: 2023 Oct 1, 01:43 -0700

    Ok. Why walk when you can ride?  Forget Mer Pass.  Using Frank’s USNO Clone


    Celestial Navigation Data for 2023 Oct 14 at 17:46:00 UT          


                     For Assumed Position:  Latitude    N 28 00.0                

                                            Longitude   W 90 00.0                


                            Almanac Data                |    Altitude Corrections 

     Object       GHA        Dec         Hc       Zn    |   Refr   SD    PA    Sum

                  o   '      o   '      o   '       o   |     '     '     '     ' 

     SUN         90 00.0   S 8 14.4   +53 45.6   180.0  |   -0.7  16.0   0.1  15.4

     MOON        89 56.0   S 7 53.1   +54 06.9   179.9  |   -0.7  15.2  32.8  47.3


    As can be seen, Ha Moon is 54 06.9’ – 32.8’ = 53 34.1.  45.6-34.1= 11.5’, so the Moon’s centre to an observer at 28N 090W is 11.5’ below and 6’ to the left of that of the Sun. Now look! My cornflakes have gone soggy. DaveP



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