A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
Re: Sun sights during an eclipse: "bad limb" calculation
From: Paul Hirose
Date: 2023 Oct 3, 14:15 -0700
From: Paul Hirose
Date: 2023 Oct 3, 14:15 -0700
On 10/2/2023 6:36 AM, NavList Community wrote: > As you can see, in the diagrams, the Moon jumps around too much in > azimuth for great accuracy in this situation, because your USNO Clone > only gives Zn to the nearest 3'. If you need extra precision in az/alt, try JPL Horizons: https://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/horizons/app.html#/ It gives these values for azimuth, unrefracted altitude, and angular diameter (arcsec) during the partial eclipse 2014-10-14 18:00:00 UTC near Albuquerque (N 35 W 107 +1.6 km): 160.618593 44.507534 1826.018 Moon 160.959776 44.912635 1924.145 Sun (That time and place because I have notes from a previous computation.) Calculate position angle (Sun to Moon, zero toward zenith) and separation angle with any suitable method. Less precision is adequate for PA since the separation is so small. 148.97 PA (Moon about 7 o'clock from Sun) .4720 separation semidiameters from Horizons: .2536 Moon .2672 Sun The body centers and limb intersections form two "mirror image" spherical triangles. We only need one. The sides of the triangle are the semidiameters and the separation angle. Angle B is the angle, at the Sun center, that subtends half the "cookie bite" the Moon takes from the limb. Side b is Moon SD (.2536), side c is separation angle (.4720), and side a is Sun SD (.2672). Calculate B with any of the formulas from Chauvenet paragraph 22: https://archive.org/details/manualofspherica01chauiala/page/38/mode/2up?view=theater I get B = 24.3. Add and subtract that from the Moon PA (149.0) to get the PA at each edge of the bite (124.7 and 173.3). The bite does not include PA 180, so a lower limb altitude observation is feasible at 1800 near Albuquerque. The triangle is so small, I think we could omit the formally correct spherical solution and just solve the triangle on a plane. -- Paul Hirose sofajpl.com