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    Re: Sun sights during an eclipse: "bad limb" calculation
    From: Paul Hirose
    Date: 2023 Oct 10, 16:41 -0700

    On 10/4/2023 8:56 PM, NavList Community wrote:
    > As I am not using any "modern" software - Stellarium and the like - I am
    > left with just crunching numbers + paper sheet and pencil and I remain a
    > bit frustrated at not having found one sufficiently reliable method -
    > using correct and valid linear functions of time*/if any .../*- to speed
    > up the process of solving this problem.
    I don't know how to avoid trial and error, but I can do the last step
    with a linear solution.
    +28.000° north lat
      -90.000° east lon
    0 height (m)
    UTC, Sun az, Sun alt, Sun SD, Moon az, Moon alt, MoonSD. Refraction and
    the value of UT1-UTC are ignored. The latter has no practically no
    effect since the relative positions of the bodies are important, not
    azimuths and altitudes.
    16:30:00 150.325° +49.385° 0.267° 150.539° +49.569° 0.254°
    17:00:00 161.259° +52.102° 0.267° 161.416° +52.117° 0.254°
    17:30:00 173.325° +53.557° 0.267° 173.330° +53.429° 0.254°
    18:00:00 185.844° +53.597° 0.267° 185.614° +53.368° 0.254°
    18:30:00 197.956° +52.219° 0.267° 197.453° +51.942° 0.254°
    Calculate separation (center to center) and Sun to Moon position angle.
    PA is zero toward the zenith and increases counterclockwise. In this
    case PA continuously decreases, so the Moon moves CW with respect to the
    16:30:00 0.230° 322.815°
    17:00:00 0.097° 278.873°
    17:30:00 0.128° 181.431°
    18:00:00 0.267° 149.033°
    18:30:00 0.415° 131.635°
    The semidiameters and separation angle are the sides of a spherical
    triangle. Its vertices are the Sun and Moon centers and the point where
    their limbs intersect. (Actually there are two intersections and two
    triangles. But the triangles are mirror images so one is sufficient.)
    At each time in the above table, solve for angle B: the angle at the Sun
    center. This is half the angle subtended by the "cookie bite" in the
    Sun's limb. Since no side is more than about 1/2 degree, a plane
    triangle calculation is accurate enough.
    Also compute Moon PA minus B at each time. This is the PA at the CW edge
    of the bite.
    16:30:00 60.799° 262.016°
    17:00:00 71.586° 207.287°
    17:30:00 70.094° 111.338°
    18:00:00 56.836° 92.197°
    18:30:00 36.137° 95.498°
    The CW edge of the bite moves approximately from 3 o'clock to 9 o'clock
    on the Sun limb. It is at PA 180 between 17:00 and 17:30. By trial and
    error identify the correct minute:
    17:06:00 71.830° 186.991°
    17:07:00 71.830° 183.142°
    17:08:00 71.827° 179.189°
    17:09:00 71.823° 175.155°
    The size of the bite is almost constant, but its edge moves about 4° per
    minute in PA.
    At this point we can do a linear inverse interpolation. The PA second
    differences indicate linear interpolation should be accurate to 1 second
    of time. (Linear interpolation max error is 1/8 the mean 2nd
    difference.) I get 17:07:48 as the time when PA = 180.
    Of course if you have automated the table computation, as I have, it's
    easier to simply reduce the interval. But Kermit wanted a linear
    solution. Sorry, I couldn't find one that did not require some trial and
    error. But the 17:07:48 calculated by linear interpolation was accurate:
    17:07:46 71.827° 180.120°
    17:07:47 71.827° 180.053°
    17:07:48 71.827° 179.987°
    17:07:49 71.827° 179.921°
    By a similar process, calculate when the other edge of the bite is at PA
    180. The difference is that you add B to Moon PA instead of subtracting.
    That gives the PA at the CCW edge of the bite.
    18:20:39 43.591° 180.024°
    18:20:40 43.578° 180.002°
    18:20:41 43.566° 179.981°
    18:20:42 43.554° 179.960°
    Summary: Sun LL is defective from 17:07:48 to 18:20:40 UTC.
    I ignored refraction. Thought experiment: on Earth with no atmosphere,
    suppose one edge of the cookie bite is on the same vertical circle as
    the Sun center. Now introduce the atmosphere. Both points increase
    altitude (not equally) due to refraction, but they remain on the same
    vertical circle. So refraction does not affect the time when the limb is
    P.S. A re-computation with a spherical triangle solution (not the plane
    triangle approximation) gives identical position angles within 0.001°.
    Paul Hirose

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