A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
From: David Pike
Date: 2023 Aug 13, 01:50 -0700
RE Lighting Up Time” This was clearly a very law-abiding town if the policeman was standing there checking cyclists at lighting up time. If ‘summer time’ in April 1898 was one hour after GMT, and the local regulations allowed one hour after sunset (National regulations only came in in 1907), the gentleman was just legal. ‘Navigator’ puts the Sun at Greenwich at zero altitude at 18.39GMT and at Altrincham (53.23’N 002.21’W at 18.42.30, 3.5 minutes later. Therefore, the gentleman could argue that lights weren’t needed in Altrincham until 20hrs.42min.30sec ‘Summer Time’ plus a couple of minutes later if you count semi-diameter and refraction.
Re Bikes: If you’re pushing the bottom pedal back, it’s the same a pushing the top pedal forwards, which seems about right to go forwards on a bicycle. You don’t really think about what your bottom foot is doing. It’s usually just sitting on the pedal. DaveP