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    Re: Susceptibility of GPS to CME, Rationale for CN?
    From: Antoine Couëtte
    Date: 2018 Oct 1, 03:46 -0700

    Hello guys, let's us make it easy to this point.

    When we have no Long Range Maritime Oceanic Navigation left but CelNav we will be quite happy with only CelNav left, very happy indeed, all agree ?

    A number of ourselves as well as our Forebears have experienced this environment for centuries in the past.

    May this situation - i.e. nothing left but CelNav - happen in any foreseeable future ? Nobody can 100% rule it out.

    CelNav has defects as we all agree, but it has nowadays the extra advantage that we can tackle it so much easily with the computation power at our fingertips. It has almost become fun.

    CelNav / DR has been, is and will remain a worldwide Oceanic Navigation System.

    It will remain a back up one, if not the last resort one.

    In other words: "La messe est ditte, allons diner" *** says it all.

    ***  Meaning: "The Mass is ended, let's have dinner" from the sentence on the last page of the Organ "Mass for the Parishes" manuscript (1698) by François Couperin Le Grand.

    Antoine M. "Kermit" Couëtte


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