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    Re: Susceptibility of GPS to CME, Rationale for CN?
    From: Francis Upchurch
    Date: 2018 Oct 2, 22:31 +0100

    Totally agree. 
    For coastal pilotage, I do find a horizontal sextant ( Davis 3 plastic great 
    for this) perfect for taking extremely accurate bearings from shore marks. 
    Much better than hand bearing compass. So the joy of sextant skills works for 
    local sailing, not just CN. (see Burch book on plastic sextants. Perfect)
    -----Original Message-----
    From: NavList@fer3.com [mailto:NavList@fer3.com] On Behalf Of Greg Licfi
    Sent: 02 October 2018 18:46
    To: francisupchurch@gmail.com
    Subject: [NavList] Re: Susceptibility of GPS to CME, Rationale for CN?
    Hello All, it has been a long time since I  have posted a message to this 
    group, I love the science and math of CN and include it in my living history  
    demos as part of the Huntington Milita (circa 1775)
    But speaking practically, how many of us are voyaging across an ocean? I have 
    a 28 ft sailboat and do coastal navigation all the time. Is CN going to  help 
    me in long island sound? or on the long island expressway? I own a sextant, I 
    practice with it for the fun of it. I demo period CN with the H.M. as much as 
    I  love CN (and I  do) I  feel knowing how to read a chart, get a good 
    weather briefing, and doing do- diligence planning etc. is what makes for a 
    safe voyage or trip.
    Just my $0.02
    [plain text auto-generated]
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