A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
From: Greg Rudzinski
Date: 2017 Feb 5, 07:03 -0800
Using the TI-36 Pro op function to autimatically generate calculated altitude Hc in degrees minutes and seconds:
Different name latitude and declination ( 270°<LHA<90° )
2nd set op
op=inv sin((cos(x)cos(d)cos(t) - sin(x)sin(d))>DMS note: to enter DMS press math scroll right to DMS scroll up once enter
Same name latitude and declination ( 270°<LHA<90° )
op=inv sin((cos(x)cos(d)cos(t) + sin(x)sin(d))>DMS
Enter variables as degrees + minutes/60:
Latitude STO x
Declination STO d
2nd op answer will be calculated altitude in degrees minutes and seconds.
To view all variables press 2nd recall
Greg Rudzinski
From: Greg Rudzinski
Date: 2017 Feb 4, 16:36 -0800Herman,
I am recieving your private e-mails. Replys are coming back to me as not delivered. We can contiue discussions on TI-36X Pro functions as they relate to CN sight reduction right here .
Yes it is possible to get Hc output in degrees minutes and seconds automatically but it requires switching the Hc formula from num-solv with the Z formula in op and entering the assumed latitude directly as the variable x by pressing sto then variable x . I do not recommend doing this because there is an increased chance of making an entry mistake without saving any sight reduction time.