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    Re: Telemeter/Quadrant
    From: Doug Faunt
    Date: 2021 Mar 28, 18:13 -0700
    They used to be a lot cheaper.  I actually picked one up surplus in the '60's, which was stolen by a housemate to get laid.
    I have a plastic one now.  I have farm property and mapped the roads back before aerial photos were easily available.
    Best, doug

    On Sun, Mar 28, 2021, 15:51 Sean C <NoReply_SeanC@fer3.com> wrote:

    John Clements wrote:

    "I actually just bought one. I'm a terrible impulse shopper."

    Not as bad as me. I bought more than one! I am a sucker for gadgets like this. ;)

    I have been thinking about getting a Brunton transit, but I just can't justify the price. There are some excellent lessons on basic land navigation at this website. Part 3 has some really useful information about finding distances and making an accurate map with only a compass. Some very compact tables are included to aid in the calculations.


    Sean C.

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