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    Re: Terrorists study celestial navigation?!
    From: Norm Goldblatt
    Date: 2014 Jan 5, 12:17 -0800

    If I'm not mistaken, Arabs INVENTED CN, at least stargazing. Guess they just forgot, over the millennia. (Frank R, I'm ready to be 'schooled' on this topic)

    As far as this group being on a 'list', I'm off the hook. I will claim lurker status.

    Interesting, this interest in CN. Do they have something else up their sleeves? Like taking down all the NavSats?

    "Police revealed on Monday that 17 people had been arrested in connection with a massive ANTI-terrorism operation." Am I reading this wrong? ANTI? Oh, I see. It should have read arrested 'as part of', as opposed to 'in connection with'

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