A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
Re: The Three-body Problem
From: Alexandre Eremenko
Date: 2021 Oct 27, 12:52 +0000
From: Alexandre Eremenko
Date: 2021 Oct 27, 12:52 +0000
Is Moon "significant for navigation" at all in our lifetime? > I do not believe it to be navigationally significant in our lifetimes. This is correct: > As I understand it the 3-body problem is how will 3 gravitational bodies interact. As I understand it, that problem can't be solved analyitically, only thru interative methods where errors slowly > accumulated. The closer the bodies the harder it becomes. But what was needed for navigation is prediction of position of the Moon, say for 1-2 years in advance with 0'.1 accuracy. And this has been accomplished through approximate solving of the 3-body problem > As I understand it the solar system is spread out enough to ignore the effects over the short and medium term. Concerning the whole Solar system, it is of course even more complicated. For example the following question is unsolved: Is it stable? That is, assuming that the planets are material points that move exactly according to the Newton's laws, will the motion that we observe now last forever? Or some planets will collide, or some planets will escape? Using numerical methods and computers we can answer for the next hundreds of millions years. But not forever. Of course this question is of little practical significance:-) Alex.