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    Re: Time without a chronometer, wwv or NTP
    From: Francis Upchurch
    Date: 2017 May 3, 05:32 +0100

    Thanks for the memories David! (only just old enough to remember 1950s radio!. 
    Peter Sellers, Spike Milligan,  Harry Secombe and Michael Bentine, I think. I 
    suspect Sellers would have tried to promote the piece of paper method to the 
    longitude board. I would improve the method  by putting 86400 pieces of 
    paper, marked for every second of the day, in a box. Shake the box and the 
    captain picks the winner. Like the lottery. Bound to get the correct answer 
    one day!
    -----Original Message-----
    From: NavList@fer3.com [mailto:NavList@fer3.com] On Behalf Of David C
    Sent: 03 May 2017 04:44
    To: francis@pharmout.co.uk
    Subject: [NavList] Time without a chronometer, wwv or NTP
    Listen to the following for a low tech way of telling the time.
    Please ignore the animation  - it has absolutely NOTHING to do with the audio. 
    The animation was (presumably) created by the person who uploaded this 
    material, claiming  "fair use".
    For the benefit of the North American members of Navlist the Goon Show was a 
    1950s BBC radio program that pre-dated Monty Python by many years. Several 
    generations (of which I am a member) grew up quoting from the Goons.
    "He's fallen in the water!"
    [plain text auto-generated]
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