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    Re: Traditional navigation by slide rule
    From: Bob Goethe
    Date: 2016 Jan 9, 09:55 -0800

    I have never seen a slide rule with stripes before, as the Faber-Castelle.  What a creative idea!

    The K&E, of course, keeps sine and cosine values explicit on the single S-Scale.  I wonder if, in building his own slide rule, one should have an SI-scale...an inverted sine scale which would represent cosine values.  That would simplify keeping sine and cosine readings relatively error free.

    It seems like slide rule patents were not for the scales themselves (which have been known for scores of years if not centuries) so much as for the particular arrangement of the scales.  I wonder if Faber-Castelle was somehow able to patent colored stripes.

    Bob Goethe

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