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    Re: Transcript Of Worsleys Navigational Log Book
    From: Brad Morris
    Date: 2017 Feb 1, 20:39 -0500

    All of the plots you see in books are just sketches.  

    The plots Robin produced are directly from the logs.  Worsley's log of the navigation.  You can only find that here, right on NavList 

    The only item which is in dispute is time!  Reread the discussion about chronometer rate.  We think it the key to the final resolution of position.


    On Feb 1, 2017 8:34 PM, "Bruce J. Pennino" <NoReply_Pennino@fer3.com> wrote:
    This plot is truly amazing. I’ve wondered if anyone had plotted it or I had to go to one of Worsley’s books. I just reread Alexander’s description of the journey and there were several days (several times) when there was total overcast or they were just getting “beat-up”. Does the plot show they got to a specified latitude and then tried to follow the latitude? The small plot in  “The Endurance” does not show them following a line of latitude.
    They were very skilled .Of course, being skilled can sometimes also help bring some favorable breaks or good fortune.
    Most interesting and very well done!. Best regards.

    Sent: Wednesday, February 01, 2017 4:08 PM
    Subject: [NavList] Re: Transcript Of Worsleys Navigational Log Book


          Just open both files together in Google Earth; File > Open in the menu. They'll appear in your "Temporary Places" (see attached image). From there you can choose which data sets to display and which not to by selecting individual items or directories. You can create your own directorties under "My Places" and copy whatever data you are interested in. You can inspect and/or edit the information associated with any item by right clicking it in the "Places" panel to the right or in the display and then selecting "Properties". It's all very standard and should be intuitive. I've done the mind-numbing bit of entering the data. You now have huge power and flexibility at your finger tips!



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