A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
Re: Twitter Cel Nav Challenge
From: Ken Gebhart
Date: 2016 Dec 10, 22:53 -0600
From: Ken Gebhart
Date: 2016 Dec 10, 22:53 -0600
The almanac tells us where a star is. The sextant tells us how far from under it we are. a little calculation gives our position.
On Dec 10, 2016, at 9:08 PM, Ed Popko <> wrote:The recent thread entitled "Is Sextant a generic word?" showes that most of us have been in social situations where we had to explain what we were doing (sextant in hand) to a total stranger with presumably no knowledge of celestial navigation, position finding or even that the sky could tell us something about where we are. This is particularly a problem with the younger generation because they no longer look up but spend most of their time looking down towards their smartphones.
So the "Twitter Cel Nav Challenge" is this -- what would you say in 140 words or less to explain what you are doing? Assume that if you fail to convince the person, the police will arrive shortly.