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    Re: Twitter Cel Nav Challenge
    From: Bruce J. Pennino
    Date: 2016 Dec 11, 11:33 -0500
    I would add that some children are very interested in seeing someone doing something “real”. I often point out Venus or the “summer triangle”, Saturn , etc. Kids do like this. I mention stars rise in the east except circumpolar stars which allows you to  point out the Big Dipper.  Orion’s Belt is often very clear. You gotta be brief...the fewer the words the better.....attention span is going down ...ask any teacher.


    From: Ed Popko
    Sent: Saturday, December 10, 2016 10:08 PM
    Subject: [NavList] Twitter Cel Nav Challenge

    The recent thread entitled "Is Sextant a generic word?" showes that most of us have been in social situations where we had to explain what we were doing (sextant in hand) to a total stranger with presumably no knowledge of celestial navigation, position finding or even that the sky could tell us something about where we are. This is particularly a problem with the younger generation because they no longer look up but spend most of their time looking down towards their smartphones.

    So the "Twitter Cel Nav Challenge" is this -- what would you say in 140 words or less to explain what you are doing?  Assume that if you fail to convince the person, the police will arrive shortly.

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