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    Re: Two body Sandwich Fix Proforma
    From: Gary LaPook
    Date: 2014 Nov 16, 18:02 -0800
    Fred Noonan used an earlier version of the A-7, an A-3 Pioneer octant. The A-7 has a pencil marking averger while Fred had to write down his individual readings. Noonan receipted if from Manning who had borrowed it from the Navy see the receipt and other information about this instrument here:


    From: David Pike <NoReply_DavidPike@fer3.com>
    To: garylapook@pacbell.net
    Sent: Sunday, November 16, 2014 2:06 PM
    Subject: [NavList] Re: Two body Sandwich Fix Proforma

    Thanks Gary.  I’ve just skimmed through these so far.  I’ll look at them in detail later.  I’d always wondered which sextant Fred Noonan used.  The A7 looks a quality bit of kit.  Was it from his airline days? The fact that it used a bubble rather hits on the head one suggestion I heard a few years ago that he forgot to apply dip.  Did you by any chance attempt to take a photo though the eyepiece? I suppose without a mounting you’d need four hands.  It is possible.  Attached is a shot through the eyepiece of an ex RAF Smiths Pendulous Reference Sextant Mk2B perched on top of a set of steps, and a terrible shot through a terribly dirty RAF Bubble Mk9.  The smudge on the right is the shadow of the hanger.
    Steady for Astro. Dave

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    (Mk9Bubble-Medium.JPG: Open and save)

    Attached File:

    (Smiths-Mk2B-Medium.JPG: Open and save)

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