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    Re: Two body Sandwich Fix Proforma
    From: Gary LaPook
    Date: 2014 Nov 19, 19:24 -0800
    I have attached the U.S. Air Force manual page on correction for change of track (wander) error. When you allow for the fact that the chart is for a TWO minute shooting period then the values are exactly the same as your's. This has a graphical method to deal with the relative azimuth of the body instead of your Mear's slide that takes care of that. The Mear's also accounts for change of ground speed errors at the same time while the U.S. manual I posted before does that with a separate table.


    From: David Pike <NoReply_DavidPike@fer3.com>
    To: garylapook@pacbell.net
    Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 2014 1:26 AM
    Subject: [NavList] Re: Two body Sandwich Fix Proforma

    I’d have to really get the little grey cells working to come up with a centrifugal expression.  Something to do with m r omega squared I vaguely remember.  Attached is what the Vulcan Nav-Plotter Notes said on the issue. For Heading/Speed Acceleration Error Card read Mear's Slide. Dave

    Attached File:

    (230-OCU-astro-accel-errors-1.doc: Open and save or View online)


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