A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
From: David Pike
Date: 2017 Jun 3, 02:43 -0700
It doesn’t do to re-read your own posts. The self-esteem soon turns to embarrassment. At first I wrote:
When a body crosses the observer’s meridian its LHA is zero. An hour later it will be 15 degrees west of the observer, so its LHA is 015 and so on until 23hours 56 minutes later when its LHA will be 359.
Upon proof reading, I thought ‘later than what?’ and I changed it to:
When a body crosses the observer’s meridian its LHA is zero. An hour later it will be 15 degrees west of the observer, so its LHA is 015 and so on until 23hours 56 minutes after crossing Greenwich when its LHA will be 359.
I should have left it as it was or written
When a body crosses the observer’s meridian its LHA is zero. An hour later it will be 15 degrees west of the observer, so its LHA is 015 and so on until 23hours 56 minutes after crossing the observer's meridian when its LHA will be 359.