A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
From: Jim Rives
Date: 2016 Jan 27, 06:42 -0800
I don't know about the other NROTC programs, but UPa's program taught it in the early '70's. I was fortunate enough to land the navigator's slot on an oiler our of Pearl and, despite a Loran C and a "SatNav" unit (which was mostly always inoperable) we navigated two WESTPAC's and a trip to SF using CN. I was out there shooting every shot with either the Chief or First Class QM. Best job I ever had, and I knew it at the time.
Thanks, all, for your replies to my question about the "cryptic formulas". Whoda thunk there were others out there interested in CN. I love the questions I get when I'm shooting down near the beach!
(One guy asked to look through the telescope on the Tamaya sextant I'm using.... "wow, this think DOES make those boats look big!)