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    Re: US Official: USS Fitzgerald Crew Likely at Fault
    From: Bill B
    Date: 2017 Jul 22, 17:05 -0400

    On 7/22/2017 11:28 AM, Jackson McDonald wrote:
    > While the captain is ultimately responsible, he was not on the bridge at the 
    time of the collision.  Thus it would appear that the senior watch officer 
    bears the most direct responsibility.  This has been obvious from the 
    beginning.  To be continued.
    I feel Konrad is has been banging the same drum since June 19. I have no
    intention of shaming you or shooting the messenger, simply sharing my
    feelings regarding the gCaptain blogs about the collision.
      “The USS Fitzgerald Is At Fault. This Is Why.
    June 19, 2017 by John Konrad “
    Despite his blame-placing headline days after the event--with little
    hard evidence released--towards the end of his blog he states the following:
    ”Thus, every modern admiralty court trial of ships colliding has found
    fault with both ships, even if one is securely anchored!”
    ”Under COLREGS, whenever two ships touch each other, both ships are to
    For this reason I am 99.9% confident the USS Fitzgerald will be found at
    fault… and so will the ACX Crystal.”
    Then a follow-up article two days later.
    “Why The (sic) USS Fitzgerald Is At Fault, Part 2 – Questions and Answers”
    June 23, 2017 by John Konrad “
    “The article I wrote has over twenty-seven hundred words and was the
    result of two long days of interviews, research and writing,…” He later
    states that in essence he kept the initial article short and sweet. I’m
    not familiar with his definition.
    IMHO the follow up Q&A article was defensive and self laudatory,
    featuring a large photograph of himself (CEO of gGaptain) a link to John
    Konrad, and constant references to journalists and journalism. You might
    also note the ads for gGaptain merchandise.
    It does not surprise me he is still beating the same drum.
    End of rant.

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